The Power of Color

Darlene creates art with mindful intent, strengthening the activation of symbols within one’s psyche. By interacting with her art, that energy can be tapped.

Focus on archetypes and symbols while practicing mindful intent grants access to your inner self/your psyche, where lasting changes are initiated. 

Darlene’s work—in the form of finished illustrations that can be colored—is a dialog between you, who consciously color her art, and Darlene as a creator. The act of coloring her illustrations activates the power of symbols for your benefit.

Coloring Darlene’s art is one way to combine the power of color, the act of coloring, and symbology to make a positive transformation in your life. 

Conscious Art is always expanding the boundaries of art, beauty, and transformation.

Get news of Darlene’s newest innovations in transformative art:

Experiments in Mindful Coloring

$20.00 each

Her Color Me Powerful coloring book introduces powerful feminine archetypes. The intent is for children (actually, anybody) who colors the positive female archetypes will receive a gift of their attributes.

The theme of her Color Me Free! coloring book is about going places. Darlene expands the notion of mindful coloring to include an actual Mindfulness Meditation.

Darlene Pushes the Boundaries of What Coloring Books can do

Her Jasmine: Journey Into Power coloring book got ambitious. Its theme is centered around the characters of a fantasy-adventure story she’s writing []. Darlene includes the meaning of color and defines the symbolic meaning behind background images. The idea is that coloring the symbols while being mindful pinpoints specific issues to work on in your life.


Using The Power of Dance and The Power of Color, this PlayBook encourages Compassionate Understanding in Your Relationship with Yourself and Others!

In Dancing the Enneagram,” co-author Kate Finlayson uses different movement modalities to understand each type. Darlene expresses each Enneagram Type through color and explores the meaning of color within the Heart, Head, Body designations. In this “PlayBook,” Darlene offers illustrations of each of the 9 Types to color.

The Conscious Coloring Technique adds another dimension to your integration. Re-explore the qualities of each Personality Type using the magic and symbology of color.
