The Power of Fantasy Art

The elements of truth and beauty which enrich our existence through experiences in art come to life through the discerning eye of the viewer who enters Darlene’s enchanted world again and again… 

Mystical Visions

Through the poetry of her expression, Darlene engages the imagination and encourages the viewer’s thoughtful reflection. Darlene’s aim is simply to do as nature does—elicit feelings of wonderment. In the shadows of her most serene work, there are subtle suggestions of the abysses whose depths make the viewer humble.

Not unlike the brilliance of light or the smile of the eclipsing moon–it is calm and strong–very strong. Her poetry, whether composed of words, lines, or color, rises from the tides of the human heart –from its hopes, longings, and strivings. The texture of human emotion coupled with the sensitivity of the artist’s hand composes the elements which make her art compelling. She aims to capture in her work the essence of fragility, power, hope, and anguish among the other myriad emotions while contemplating the visible truth of the physical world. She speaks not to the reason, but to the intuition, which alone can appreciate the full impact of her poetry. 

The overtones of your experience and imagination should permit you to go beyond what is visually represented in the artwork–to see between the spaces and therein discover something new. You as an observer may then become aware of a resonance between Darlene’s work and your own experience which may transport you to another level of perception.

Darlene’s World of Beauty is kept alive through the discovery and rediscovery of her mystical visions.